Schema therapy is an evidence-based form of psychotherapy that was developed in the United States by Jeffrey Young in the 1980’s and has a strong presence there and throughout the world. Although internationally recognized, it is still relatively new to Canada. Schema Therapy is recognized as a highly researched form of therapy, which has clinically demonstrated its effectiveness in research studies.
Schema Therapy Training Canada's Certification Groups are Accredited with the International Society of Schema Therapy.
Differentiate your practice from others in Canada: Stand out by offering your clients a unique, creative and evidence based Schema Therapy approach
Ability for therapist to integrate many established, evidence-based interventions from different modalities under ST approach
Strengthened relationships with clients, and expertise in working with complex trauma and personality disorder
Able to use the title of Schema Therapist in marketing and as a credential
Access to an extensive range of Schema Therapy research
Qualify to offer Schema Therapy Training to other therapists
Be part of a dynamic, connected, international network of SchemaTherapists
Highly effective, accessible form of therapy
ST is growing rapidly internationally. Be on the cutting edge of new research and practice methods in Canada through Schema Training Canada
STTC program was established by Frances Miller MSW, RSW (Program Training Director) to promote Schema Therapy training in Canada. Historically, ST has been slow to develop a presence in Canada, however in recent years, there has been demonstrably more awareness and interest in this therapeutic modality. It seems timely to begin to develop a Canadian center, to provide opportunities for training and education, and to develop Canada’s own Schema Therapists, Supervisors and Trainers.
STTC is located in central Canada, in Oakville, Ontario, a suburb of Toronto. Toronto is the largest city in Canada and is located on the north shore of Lake Ontario. This cosmopolitan city offers a multicultural milieu, with access to some of the world’s best shopping, dining and entertainment, hotels, and business facilities.