Wendy Behary LCSW
A Unique Approach to Some of the Most Challenging Issues in Treatment: Schema Therapy, Concepts and Tools
Wendy Behary LCSW
Date & Time
Thursday, September 21 from 11am -1 pm EST
Virtual (Zoom Video)
Schema therapy is an innovative, integrative therapeutic approach, originally developed (by Dr. Jeffrey Young) as an expansion of traditional cognitive-behavioral treatments. The schema approach draws from cognitive-
behavioral therapy, attachment theory, psychodynamic concepts, and emotion-focused therapies, emphasizing lifelong patterns, affective change techniques, and the therapy relationship – with special emphasis on imagery rescripting and empathic confrontation.
Schema therapy is particularly well-suited for difficult, resistant clients with entrenched, chronic psychological disorders, including personality disorders (such as BPD and narcissism), eating disorders, intractable relationship problems, and unremitting emotional problems. It is also effective for relapse prevention in
depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Evidence has shown that clients who spend years gaining valuable insight with other treatments, but who are frustrated by their lack of progress, often respond well to the active, systematic, flexible, and depth-oriented schema approach.
This seminar will include a combination of teaching methods, including lecture, handouts, video clips, demonstrations, question-and-answer periods, and the discussion of the obstacles we face in the treatment room, including therapist's own schemas.
1. Learn how to assess and conceptualize some of the most challenging cases in Schema terms.
2. Begin to learn to identify Schema Modes and activating conditions in the client’s life.
3. Develop a robust treatment formulation based on the linking of current problems with client’s innate makeup, early unmet needs, schemas, and coping styles
4. Help clients “make sense” out of self-defeating life patterns and emotional distress through the maintenance of a robust therapy relationship.
5. Identify “personal” triggering conditions in the treatment room, and strategies for maintaining a sturdy, genuine, and healthy adult mode.
6. Be exposed to an overview of strategies such as: (1) Imagery (2) Mode Dialogues (3) Empathic Confrontation (4) Bypassing Avoidance (5) Setting Limits (6) Adaptive (limited) Re-Parenting Stance (7) Behavioral Pattern-Breaking
With 25+ years of professional experience and advanced level certifications, Wendy Behary is the founder and director of The Cognitive Therapy Center of New Jersey and The Schema Therapy Institutes of NJ-NYC-DC. She has been treating clients, training professionals and supervising psychotherapists for more than 20 years. Wendy was on the faculty of the Cognitive Therapy Center and Schema Therapy Institute of New York (until the Institutes merged in 2012), where she trained and worked with Dr. Jeffrey Young since 1989. She is a founding fellow and consulting supervisor for The Academy of Cognitive Therapy (Aaron T. Beck’s Institute). Wendy served as the President of the Executive Board of the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST) from 2010-2014 and served as the Training and Certification Coordinator for the ISST Executive Board from 2008-2010. She is currently the chair of the Schema Therapy Development Programs Sub-Committee for the ISST. Wendy Behary has co-authored several chapters and articles on Schema Therapy and Cognitive Therapy. She is the author of an international bestselling book, " Disarming the Narcissist...” translated in 16 languages. The Third Edition was recently released and was selected by Oprah Daily as one of the top books on the subject of Narcissism. Wendy has a specialty in treating narcissists and the people who live with and deal with them. As an author and subject matter expert on narcissism, she is a contributing chapter author of several chapters on schema therapy for narcissism for professional readers. She lectures both nationally and internationally to professional and general audiences on schema therapy, narcissism, interpersonal relationships, anger, and dealing with difficult people. She receives consistent high praise for her clear and articulate teaching style and her ability to bring the therapy to life through dramatic demonstrations of client interactions in the treatment room.